At the very core of what we are doing is encouraging and enriching learning as we prepare our students better for an uncertain future. We want children to embrace the love of learning, right from their first day to their last at Halswell School.
We believe that children learn effectively when they are in a dynamic learning environment with a strong focus on enabling them to become enthusiastic, inquiring learners. Emphasis is placed on helping students to develop positive attitudes that will develop a love of learning. Teachers provide high interest, relevant curriculum programmes that foster the development of students’ thinking skills and promote engagement in learning. Inquiry is a state of mind in all our learning programmes throughout the day for all of our students.
Our learning spaces and commitment to play-based learning provide our children with opportunities to experience and develop greater self-awareness, self-confidence, persistence, patience, perceptiveness, communication skills, teamwork skills, interpersonal relationship skills, and leadership skills. These are all skills that will ultimately help in dealing with the difficult challenges life may throw their way.
Our school values whanaungatanga, manaakitanga, kaitiakitanga, kotahitanga and manawanuitanga are fundamental to all that we do and lay the foundation to enable our ākonga to thrive.