Our Vision and Values were developed following a comprehensive consultation process completed at the end of 2021. The Board of Trustees sought feedback from all stakeholders. The feedback was gathered using a range of forums, including community education evenings, parent focus groups, whānau hui, Staff Only Days, student voice groups, as well as, an online community survey. As part of the consultation process, the Board also worked alongside mana whenua from Ngāti Moki Marae in Taumutu.
Our Vision and Values will set the direction of education at Te Kura o Te Tauawa Halswell School for the next 5 to 10 years.
Our Vision for Teaching and Learning
Our Vision at Halswell School Te Kura o te Tauawa is Learning to Thrive. Our vision acknowledges the mutual relationship that exists between academic achievement and wellbeing. We know that happy, well-adjusted children who have the tools and dispositions to respond positively to challenges will also progress and achieve well academically.
Our Values
At Halswell School Te Kura o te Tauawa, we value:
Whanaungatanga: Growing connections and relationships that create a sense of belonging
Kaitiakitanga: Being a guardian of knowledge, resources and the environment
Kotahitanga: Collaborating
Manawanuitanga: Being your best self
Manaakitanga: Showing care and respect for self and others
The icons for each value were created by a group of our students in consultation with a graphic artist.
Ethos Model
This diagram shows the relation between our Vision, Values and foundational Pou. Put simply; the Vision is our ‘Why’, the Values are our ‘How’ we live our vision, and the Pou are our ‘What’.
The three pou: Community, Wellbeing and Learning Through Experiences, represent everything unique about the school. This focus extends well beyond the school borders and into their established international student programme.
Our Logo
The tree with its many branches reflects the continuous growth at Halswell School Te Kura o Te Tauawa. It also symbolises students’ diverse learning opportunities as they ‘branch out’ in their learning and discovery of new things. The leaves represent growth and the health of the school. Staff care for the wellbeing of our students.
The stream comprises five lines symbolising the five school values. In the same way water helps nourish the oak tree, the school values help develop well rounded, healthy and happy students while building a strong and robust school culture. The koru wave in the stream symbolises continuous growth and support. The wave also alludes to resilience and the tree being able to withstand anything thrown at it.