• Incorporating the use of IT into all aspects of the school day.
  • Self directed learning through workshop style programmes in literacy and numeracy.
  • Growth mindset and the development of Halswell School values (Whanaungatanga, Manaakitanga, Kaitiakitanga, Manawanuitanga and Kotahitanga).
  • Inquiry learning as a way to develop skills in questioning, exploring, investigating and presenting.
  • Grouping that is flexible and based on the needs of the students.
  • Acknowledging New Zealand’s biculturalism by integrating tikanga and Te Reo into our learning programmes and by providing regular Whānau afternoons.
  • BYOD
  • A range of competition opportunities – e.g., sports competitions at Zone and Canterbury level, Literacy Quiz, Spelling Quiz, Current Events Quiz, EPro8 Challenge, Otago Maths Problem Challenge.
  • Many musical opportunities – Senior Choir, Vocal Group, Jazz Band, School Production
  • A 3 day camp for Y5 and Y6 students, every two years
  • ICAS Competitions (Digital Technology, Science, Writing, Spelling, English, Mathematics)

Ōtāwhito consists of two learning studios, Kōwhai (T30, T31 and T32) and Koreke (T33, 34 and T35).

Melissa Botha
Team Leader
T30 Kaiako
Fiona Harney
T31 Kaiako
Blake Wilson
T32 Kaiako
Carolyn Adams
Release Kaiako for Kōwhai
Ryan Hakkaart
T34 Kaiako
Cameron Eaves
T35 Kaiako
Anna DeFrancis
Release Kaiako for Koreke